3 - 60 The Channel of Mutation
Individuals with the Channel of Mutation introduce a new round of development to a project and strive for improvement. The magic of the channel lies in the way it transforms the existing order. No one can tell for sure when the magic will happen, not even those in the channel. You motivate others to change and to adjust to the world as it changes. There is nothing more permanent than the temporary. You believe change to be the foundation for growth: You have learned to live with permanent change. The path to change is not always lined with roses, however: People fear what is unfamiliar, and that’s normal. The Channel of Mutation expands the boundaries of what is possible, but it also establishes limitations. You may start something only to have the process slow down, stop, or go off in another direction entirely. Don’t let it get you down: Trust the volatile energy of mutation. Failure is nothing more than a temporary station on the way.