Welcome to the fascinating world of your personality!

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True Self Design
November 28
Emily S.Emily S.Emily S.Emily S.Emily S.
Emily S.
I was always questioning who I really was and what my strengths are. This Human Design report was like a mirror reflecting my true self. It helped me understand my personality on a deeper level and embrace my unique qualities. Truly life-changing!
Relationship Rev
November 27
Sarah P.Sarah P.Sarah P.Sarah P.
Sarah P.
My partner and I were at a crossroads, unsure of our compatibility. This Human Design report offered incredible insights into our dynamics, helping us understand and appreciate our differences. It's like a guidebook for navigating our relationship more smoothly.
Career Guidance
October 15
Jessica L.Jessica L.Jessica L.Jessica L.Jessica L.
Jessica L.
I was stuck in a career rut, unsure of which path to take. The Human Design report highlighted my strengths and suitable career options. It's been a game-changer for my professional life, giving me clarity and confidence to pursue my true calling.
Empowered Decisions
December 20
Rachel M.Rachel M.Rachel M.Rachel M.
Rachel M.
I've always struggled with making decisions, big or small. The insights from my Human Design report have empowered me to trust my instincts and make choices aligned with my true nature. It's liberating to feel so sure of myself!
Unlocking Potential
October 1
Ashley B.Ashley B.Ashley B.Ashley B.Ashley B.
Ashley B.
This Human Design report has been instrumental in my personal growth journey. It shed light on areas I needed to develop and provided practical steps for improvement. I feel like I'm growing every day into a better version of myself.
Peace & Balance
November 14
Lauren T.Lauren T.Lauren T.Lauren T.Lauren T.
Lauren T.
Dealing with stress and anxiety has always been challenging for me. The Human Design report gave me insights into how I handle stress and offered strategies for better management. I've noticed a significant improvement in my overall wellbeing.
How can Human Design help you?
Gain deep insights into your true self, strengths, and potential.
Understand your life's purpose and direction with greater clarity.
Make decisions aligned with your authentic nature and avoid resistance.
Feel empowered to embrace your natural gifts and talents.
Life Benefits
Improved Relationships
Enhance your relationships by understanding the dynamics between different Human Design types.
Life Design
Create a life that suits your unique design and brings fulfillment.
Personal Growth
Make decisions aligned with your authentic nature and avoid resistance.
Positive Change
Reduced Stress
Reduce stress by aligning your life choices with your energy type and strategy.
Life Transformation
Use Human Design as a tool for transformation and positive change.
Better Health
Identify areas of your energy system that may affect your physical and emotional well-being.
How to begin your research?
Research starts with the calculation of the Bodygraph, which is a unique map of your energetic blueprint. When you calculate your BodyGraph, you will learn:
By calculating your Bodygraph, you gain a deeper understanding of your unique design and how to navigate life with greater self-awareness and authenticity. It serves as a powerful tool for self-discovery, personal growth, and making decisions that resonate with your true nature.
Your Type
Whether you are a Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor, or Reflector. This reveals your fundamental energy and decision-making strategy.
Your Centers
The presence or absence of energy in the nine energy centers, providing insights into your strengths and challenges in various aspects of life.
Your Authority
Your inner decision-making guide, which helps you make choices in alignment with your authentic self, whether it's based on emotions, intuition, or other factors.
Your Profile
A combination of two numbers that reveal your life path and how you interact with the world.
Defined vs. Undefined Centers
Parts of your chart that are consistent (defined) or influenced by others (undefined), offering insights into your relationships and interactions.
Meet Jessica
I was skeptical at first, but after getting my BodyGraph, I was amazed at how accurate it was. It helped me understand myself better and make decisions that align with my true nature.
1 535 278
People have improved their lives with HD-Chart
Why us?
Human Design is a unique and fascinating system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and modern science to provide insight into your personality, strengths, and life path. It's designed to help you understand your true self and make decisions that align with your authentic nature.
How to begin your research?
Getting your bodygraph is easy, just enter your date of birth and get your personality chart!

Calculate your Chart for free

This is where we’ll send your report to
Over 2 million calculated bodygraphs.
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