Center 2: The Ajna Mind Center
All of our thoughts, concepts, and belief systems are stored here. Information from other centers proceeds to the Ajna center in search of what’s most important: Understanding. All of the information we gather and possess is processed in this center to be used correctly at a later date. Defined for 47% of the planet’s inhabitants. Thoughts from a defined Ajna center are extremely logical. And it is difficult for anyone to change your beliefs, preferences, or opinions. By choosing reason, you avoid letting your emotions and feelings get the best of you. Your fixed mindset is so strong that narrow-mindedness can sometimes get in your way and result in unnecessary mental anxiety. You want to act in chorus with your mind, but it isn’t always possible. You also have a tendency to worry about the little things: A result of the endless stream of thoughts generated by your mind. And there’s nothing you can do to turn the wave of inner turmoil off. A defined center allows you to influence others, to fill them with confidence or, on the contrary, uncertainty. Though of course, the former would be preferable… The Ajna center extracts the essence of the information broadcast by the Head center. The Ajna center filters and analyzes this information to come to a better understanding of it. In this center, thoughts are constantly warring with one another in an endless struggle.