How to Ask Different Types Out on a Date
Do you know how to ask someone out on a date and be sure they’ll agree? Let’s talk about it right now: You just need to know your crush’s personality type. Asking a Manifestor out Careful: Manifestors don’t like it when someone else initiates. Because they are supposed to be taking the lead. So play it cool and make it look like it’s the Manifestor who’s making the move. Just drop some hints or let a desire slip. In the end, the Manifestor has to feel like they made the choice and took the first step Asking a Generator out Ask a question: “Do you want to go out with me?” or “Do you want to have a good time with me? Want to have some fun? Want to go to a restaurant?” Make sure you’re asking something specific if you want to get a response from a Generator. Asking a Projector out This is as easy as it gets: Projectors spend their whole lives waiting for an invitation. Just say: Let’s go out on a date. The Projector wants to be acknowledged, so it’s important that you make it clear that you’re really interested and aren’t just there to kill time. Asking a Manifesting Generator out First you have to try and pin them down: They’re always working! And ask two questions right away: Do you want to go on a date? How about tonight? If not today, then tomorrow. Manifesting Generators tend to be quite spontaneous and easy going. Asking a Reflector out Invite the Reflector to a nice place with a quiet, cozy atmosphere, otherwise they won’t feel comfortable, and nothing good will come of it. Remember that an individual’s response also depends on their personal feelings for you and their mood and character. These are just some recommendations for improving your chances.