Step 10: How do I apply Human Design?
There are several ways to apply Human Design in your life, here are a few examples: Understand your chart: The first step to applying Human Design is to have your chart generated and understand the different elements of it. This includes your type, strategy, authority, experiment of life, centers, gates, and channels. Use your strategy: Once you understand your strategy, you can start to apply it in your decision-making process. This means waiting for a response, following your sacral center, inner authority, or responding to the environment depending on your strategy. Trust your authority: Trusting your inner authority will help you to make decisions that align with your true nature. This means trusting your gut feeling or inner guidance system, and not relying on the opinions of others. Experiment of life: By understanding your experiment of life, you can gain insight into the specific challenges you will face in your life and how you can best navigate through them. This will also help you to understand your purpose in life and the areas of life where you will face the most resistance and the most rewards. Transits: By understanding your transits, you can prepare for the changes that may come your way and make better decisions during these times. Centers: By understanding the defined and undefined centers in your chart, you can understand your strengths and weaknesses and align your behavior with your true nature. Aura, Profile and not-self theme: These elements of the chart can help you understand how your aura, profile and not-self theme can impact your design, and how you can work on aligning your behavior with your true nature. Practice self-awareness: Human Design can also help you to practice self-awareness by understanding your true nature and decision-making process. Seek guidance: If you want to gain a deeper understanding of the system, seek guidance from a certified Human Design analyst or take a course. Live your design: Once you understand your design, start living it. This means making decisions that align with your true nature and living in a way that feels authentic to you. As we conclude a journey of exploring the Human Design System, we would like to express your gratitude for your participation and engagement. We hope that you have gained a deeper understanding and appreciation for the intricacies of this fascinating system! Your feedback is important to us, and we kindly invite you to take a moment to complete a brief survey. Your valuable insights will help us to improve the course and make it even more effective for future learners. It will take no more than a few minutes of your time and we truly appreciate your effort. Thank you for studying with us and we look forward to your continued learning journey!