The Manifestor’s Aura: No Outsiders
An aura is an electromagnetic field that we all possess. We are constantly conditioning each other unconsciously with our emotions, feelings, and sensations through our auras. Each type has its own kind of aura, with its own characteristics. What makes a Manifestor’s aura different is the way it suppresses those of others. In the company of other individuals, a Manifestor can suppress the auras of Projectors, Generators, and Reflectors. And Manifestors don’t let anyone else penetrate their aura: They repel them. That’s the independent nature of the type. Manifestors have no need of anyone else, and so there’s no reason to attract others into their field: They’re just fine on their own. Being next to a Manifestor can put people on edge and create anxiety. Manifestors can seem totally unapproachable when they want to. A lot depends on the individual’s profile as well. Manifestors with the 4th Line in their profile are more friendly and communicative, those with the 2nd Line can show interest in you while remaining aloof, and so forth. The dense aura of the Manifestor protects its owner. After all, Manifestors are their own masters and do not want to be influenced. As a result, they are rarely affected by conditioning from others. Manifestors can compensate for the repelling effects of their own aura by informing others! This can reduce conflict when interacting with other people.