Step 7: The defined and undefined centers
In the Human Design System, the concept of defined and undefined centers plays an important role in understanding an individual's unique design. Defined centers: These are the centers that have at least one active gate. They are considered to be the "operational" centers of the individual and provide insight into the individual's innate strengths and tendencies. Defined centers can be activated through experience and life events, and they offer a stable and consistent source of energy and information. Undefined centers: These are the centers that have no active gates. They are considered to be "non-operational" centers of the individual and can provide insight into the areas where the individual may need to work on, to align their behavior with their true nature. Undefined centers can be activated through life events or experiences, but they can also change or fluctuate with time. By understanding the defined and undefined centers, you can better understand your strengths and weaknesses, and learn how to navigate the world in the way that aligns with your true nature. Look carefully at your bodygraph. Which centers are active and which are not? In the meantime, we'll talk about strategy and authority.