The most widespread personality type. Generators make up around 37% of the world's population. Generators have boundless energy, and this means they can throw themselves into any endeavor. However, to get things going, Generators need to listen to their gut. Generators need to learn what it is that really matters to them. To this end, they must go with their gut, trust their heart over their head. Generators were born to plumb their depths, and get the most out of life. They find themselves in their work, their passions, but only if these provide them joy and satisfaction. That's when they always succeed. Pros of being a Generator You have an endless supply of energy when it comes to getting things going. You're a people person, and are always ready for risk and adventure. You have a greater thirst for life and the unknown than do other Types. Your open aura makes you charismatic. Other people like interacting with you. Cons of being a Generator You hate doing anything that you’re not passionate about, even if you know it must be done. You quickly burn out when it comes to unwelcome tasks, and are then profoundly disappointed. Because you want to speed through your work, you can make mistakes that require you to start over and do it again. Sometimes you fail to accurately assess situations and people, in contrast to, for example, Projectors.