The Manifesting Generator’s Not Self: Impatience
Although the Manifesting Generator type combines the qualities of both the Manifestor and the Generator, it is nevertheless closer to the latter. It inherited the ability to carry out plans from the Manifestor and the need for an inner response from the Generator. This personality type can sometimes find dealing with itself difficult because of its two natures: One wants to act immediately and put ideas into practice, while the other seeks to wait and be certain before acting. This is how the Manifesting Generator’s Not Self – impatience – develops. The Manifesting Generator is a goal-oriented, energy type. It does several things at once, recovers quickly, and often works more quickly than other types. It is subject to manifestations of both the Manifestor’s and the Generator’s Not Selves – anger and frustration. Its main task, however, is to learn to deal with impatience, which manifests itself when others work less quickly or show themselves to be slower on the uptake, and when decisions or promises are made too hastily and before having received the appropriate response. Manifesting Generators need to work on being patient and understanding what’s really worth expending energy on. Take a breather between activities and think about what’s really important. Doing so will save you a pile of unfinished business and unfulfilled promises.