The Generator’s Not Self: Frustration
Generators find harmony by learning to follow their inner response. Responding helps them make the right decision for a particular situation: A question is posed from without, and the response provides a yes or no answer. Generators must follow their response and avoid undertaking anything of their own accord: Wait for the opportunities fate presents you with. The most difficult thing here is to be patient and stop trying to control everything around you. The Generator’s Not Self is a feeling of frustration that sets in when acting out of character. One example of such behavior would be falling in with life’s fast pace, grasping after every opportunity to succeed, chasing imaginary ideals, and trying to put ideas into practice more quickly than is advisable. Generators lack the necessary energy to put every idea into action, and this is a common cause of frustration. They convince themselves that they can achieve anything, and when they come up short on resources, they chalk it up to a personal lack of ability, intelligence, etc.… Generators must surrender to life: It will provide them with all the interesting opportunities they need. Simply respond when something you really enjoy comes along. Stop chasing after idols and embrace who you are. Listen to yourself, accept yourself, and you will know that you are on the right path.