Composites: Less Harmonious Relationship Types
Human Design doesn’t usually talk about things as being good or bad. It does, however, attempt to evaluate the simplicity or complexity of a couple’s relationship. If you come across the situations described below in your composite, be prepared to exercise a fair amount of patience, and be aware that your desire will have to be strong to make it work. Six defined and three open centers If six centers are defined and three are left open, you will have a hard time finding what connects you as a couple. In a relationship of this kind, you’ll both find yourselves wondering: Why are we even together? We’re so different! That doesn’t mean you’re not meant to be together, though. It just means that you need to pay special attention to what you do together: Go to movies/exhibitions/museums/parks you’ll both like. Make sure you each spend time alone doing your own things. You may think you’re less romantic and that you’ve replaced love with negotiations. But we all know that no couple stands a chance without dialogue even if the composite defines all 9 centers. Five defined and four open centers In a partnership like this, there will be plenty of attempts by both partners to find something outside the relationship. And it’s understandable: It’s as if you’ll be looking for energy to live where there’s more of it than in your relationship. In the most emotional situations, you will both be trying to bring your relationship back to life. Psychologists, fights, recriminations.... Try not to let it get you down. Every union definitely serves a purpose. Take a broader view: Maybe your partner can be a good business partner for you. Or help you through a difficult time. Maybe you’ll turn out to be the missing link that connects your partner to their life purpose or helps them find the friend they need. Take a broader view. Look for opportunities in every situation.