Advice for a Generator Working with Projectors
Projectors need to be invited into a particular group and to have their merits recognized. They are natural leaders, advisors, and mentors. If you are a Generator and there are Projectors in your team, here are a few things you can do to keep your collaboration harmonious and fruitful: First, know that you are lucky. There’s someone on your team who always looks at things soberly and carefully before starting to act. This is a safeguard against hasty measures, which are also often incorrect measures. Listen to your Projectors: They don’t generally speak without good reason. Understand that Projectors lack your prodigious energy. They don’t do things as quickly: Their approach is more leisurely and thorough. So don’t rush them: Let them work at their own pace. Projectors need to be invited. They can initiate in exceptional cases, when they know they have been accepted and recognized, but even then, they often prefer to keep their ideas and thoughts to themselves. Ask the Projector, extend invitations to join activities, and don’t be offended if they refuse. Such is the nature of the Projector, but it doesn’t mean you should stop inviting then. Accept that a Projector really does understand people and projects better than you. They are more attentive than Generators because they simply have more time to be: While you’re rushing from project to project, they’re observing. Therefore, if you recognize the Projector’s authority and listen to their advice, you will be pleasantly surprised with the result. The Generator-Projector connection is always successful and fruitful for both parties. Listen to the Projector, praise them, celebrate their merits. They enjoy nothing more, even if they don’t show it.